Saturday, August 21, 2010


I know I am starting late...Week 5 is over and I am just starting with my blogs! Well,  I was tossing around the idea of a blog in my mind since last couple of days but being totally new to this Blogging world, had my own inhibitions. This being my first semester of coursework after a gap of 5 years since undergrad, I did feel like a kid going school for the first time, shy and lost! I owe it to you POD for being so encouraging and making this subject so interesting that I had to take the plunge.

I hope I will catch up fast. Lets get going.....

I have been exposed to various databases like Oracle 8i, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server and not to forget the good old MS Access and reporting tools like Crystal Reports and Jasper reports during my work experience. Always heard about jargons like OLAP , Data Warehouse, cubes etc. and was fascinated by them but never got lucky to know them better. This is the reason why FIT5093 is a unit in my Moodle (I can pat myself for making such a Good Choice).

Already subscribed to the podcasts, posted my first blog and got TweetDeck installed on my mac...I m already more techsavvy :) ...THANKS POD!

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