Friday, October 29, 2010


BIA Exam in on 8th November......I can only hope POD has not set the question paper with more creativity than the past year exam papers. :)

With this hopefully the last blog, I have a confession to make. Although this blog was purely greedy in motive for the 3% bonus, I actually feel it was not about just scribbling few words every week. There's more to write something useful in here, I had to read about the topics from the POD's lecture contents and when I will open the lecture notes before exams, I will have the feeling of 'deja-vu' which hopefully would calm down my brain.

The other units, where there was no regular dose of recap (no bonus on offer no blogs....which means no RECAP :)), my brain cries out loud..."HELLLOOO...THIS IS SOMETHING NEW...DON'T PRESSURISE ME TO REMEMBER IT".

All the BEST to me and my fellow mates of FIT5093!!!
All the BEST POD to bear with assessing our answer sheets :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 11

Couldn't attend the Week 10 lecture due to bad health but did see POD's lecture material and got the message which he wanted to convey -

It's the Interface Stupid!

Apparently, Interfaces don't get much attention in BIA world and are often neglected by vendors.
Pivot tables are most popular but people find them complex and not apt for many situations.

Tufte's Good visualisations rules emphasise upon- Simplification of reports which shows data and not complex aggregations; data presented should be comparable.

Learnt about few tips from Fres and Miller (1998) about Interface design like choosing appropriate charts (Ignore Pie Charts), consistent layout and colours, right kind of scale, 3D's to be used only when really needed(read Never!) and honesty and integrity(Moral science lessons suggesting not to cook data up!!)

Ehrenberg's has focused on the objective of the presentation to be either telling a 'story' or for records. He has suggested few rules for presentation of data like rounding off to significant digits; use of row and column averages to help understand whether its up or down; comparison is easier in columns(to be used to decide the display of data); row and columns should be ordered by size; figures which need to be compared should be placed side by side (avoid grid lines); use of figure to compare data.  Also, colour need to be effectively used.

Also learnt some tips for report designing and Interface design. Neilson suggested testing of BIA by analysing if the users are using the system the way we designed it and also that a review exercise should be done every Quarter is possible.

Just realised how useful the screenr links from POD are, specially for assignments. Got a few tips by viewing last year's assignment related help. Edward Tufte developed a tool called Sparklines which can be attached with Excel( I am gonna try it for sure).

So, yeah it's the Interface stupid!

P.S - Thanks POD for ur GIFT of extension of ** days :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

BIA Assignment!!

This blog is about BIA Assignments, not that the Assignments are not good but just that I am struggling to understand the case study.

Read the Ralph Kimball chapter on Airline case study and did get some hints about various ways to handle the role-playing through super-dimensions,junk dimensions etc. However, the book did not help much with ways to implement it in SQl Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

After various attempts to do the assignment and reach past the data source view stage, finally went to POD for help. He  made(as always) it so easy by giving hints and encouraging to do simple things first and assured that there will be a penalty-free window after due date for assignment submission.

Soon after getting confirmation from POD on my understanding of superdimension through 'namedquery' as we did in tutorial's Aroma case study, I was charged up and created my 'citypair' and 'classofservice' superdimensions.

So yeah the assignment is moving ahead. Just hoping I will submit one good BI Application for SkyWay people and get good marks as well :)